VM_365 Starts Here

An Image a day from the Virtual Museum of Thanet’s Archaeology

Our VM_365 project will present one image a day, each day for the next year, on themes Virtual-Museum-Logorelated to our Virtual Museum of Thanet’s Archaeology.

As archaeologists we often have a camera handy to record those unexpected moments when something new emerges from the ground, or from our collection of artefacts. Whether its capturing an image outdoors on a site, or in one of the darker recesses of the museum storage boxes or having the opportunity to take a fresh look at something we take for granted, we will post an in image in our project each day.

Choosing the image we post each day will be a chance to stretch our imagination inĀ  illustrating the world of archaeology and our important local heritage. Over the course of the year we may develop themes with a series of pictures, or just take a one off chance to explore a subject.

We have some ideas in mind already of images we want to show, others will come to us as the project goes on. Some of our images may be taken quickly, capturing a valuable moment as the opportunity arises and some will use the rich resources of images we have in our archives. Whatever the circumstances the project will present something interesting, fun and thought provoking each day.

Check in through our Twitter and FaceBook pages, or here on our journal where you will find more notes or detailed background to the images.

We would love to have your feedback and comments on the images over the duration of VM_365, we start today!

The first image we would like you to see is the new VM_365 logo which will accompany the images over the year. Like it?

VM_356 project logo
Our first image, the new VM_356 Logo

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